The toy will make it sooo much easier, but it will also deprive the fun of interaction and the feeling of being wanted by someone. However, what are the chances of meeting a top tier escort just like Leo? I think I will pathetically stay with the toy…
私认为有几处可能是无奈的改动减低了对于“活着”这一母题的表现力。一是福贵的职业由农民改成了小贩,这样失却了一种人与自然的紧张对抗,失去了《裸岛》般的冲击力。二是大跃进只表现了富足,没表现饿?可能对于知情者来说,后面的事实都知道。又抑或那块烂钢就有所预示。但我觉得还是不应该放过这一强烈表现活着的片段。三是最后留下人太多啦。。这样原著的活着的苟延残喘性被转化为了生生长流。相对更像活下去(to live on),而不是活着。医院那段戏改编得很好~值得表扬。总体上影片重心已移位到红色批判。