我对Goldberg一家的滤镜可以衍生到这。Goldberg是在追忆八十年代,schooled追忆90年代。但是Goldberg逐渐陷入撕逼-和好-撕逼-和好的循环里,孩子们在爱里长大却始终有令人难以接受的反智和性格缺陷(这也是我看到第三季就不愿再把this is us看下去的原因),剧本套路化。但是schooled里还是有一些新的有趣的东西的,剧本也不套路,情感也丰富。
大概从深爱渣男甚至愿意和他一起吸毒起人生就走向bad end线了吧。
1. I was so confused where Naomi Watts was the first 2 eps 2. Rupert Murdoch in this miniseries very much reminds me of my boss it’s guilt-triggering 3. How ironic that when trump rose Ailes fell—But at the end of the day the liberals are the ones making these shows anyway