Fundamentally reshaped Iranian cinema as well as our relationship with the medium (the ontology of cinema); "the Baudrillardian sense of the hyperreal, wherein the perceived boundary between illusion and the real collapses, leaving only simulation in its wake"
8.5/10 H&M用一种近乎怪诞的黑色幽默以及一种近于任性的业余精神(willful amateurism)展现了独属于60年代的对自由精神的向往与充满乐观精神的希望——恰如片中一首配乐唱道的——"if you want to sing out, sing out; if you want to be free, be free..."。影片探讨了一个最根本意义的come out of closet的问题:面对每个人的人生与命运,是妥协还是抗争(conformity or not);而影片探讨这一沉重且严肃问题的方式是轻松的,甚或于是有些轻佻的——或许可以将这种风格选择视为某种沉重太满后的溢出。在观影至一半时仍然会以为H&M仅仅是忘年之交的关系;待到后半段才意识到原来本片是一部关于忘年恋的电影。