「I think that liking is much more important than loving, actually. Love is easy to fall into. Liking is much harder. Think of your wedding as a driving test. You take it, you pass, and then you really start to learn how to drive. Or you crash.」
既然說著future is not set 那為什麼又能如此理直氣壯地用還沒發生的事態為人定罪或是將他們推上神壇⋯ 如果一切未定,那麼John也可能不會是救世主,Dyson也沒必要一人背負數十億生命的罪責,保護人類捨棄自身也未必就是對一個機械的最高褒獎。(當然電影好看還是好看的)ps:看到有人稱呼T1000為千醬 我笑得好大聲:D