导演一定是下水道人鱼的粉丝,简直就是猎奇类cult片,同题材甚至不如人兽杂交。看帕丁顿熊里的妈妈全裸简直rock my world,怎么就fall in love了完全没铺垫,仅仅因为女主是个horny老处女才饥不择食?奥斯卡居然颁给这货,这届评委太业余!
“I wonder what happens next to me. It's weird, isn't it -- the way we think about our lives? What's the next? What happens next? Always moving forward. I wonder if things would make more sense if you looked at everything in reverse, started at the end and move backwards and try to figure out how you got there. ”