ok i know this is about fighting for the gay rights, but this show is fucked up! miss honey is into some ethnic trade, she likes them so much she had to adopt one (who's really bad at acting btw). and the other qween, who's been super insecure about her life for the past 15 yrs or so LITERALLY dropped dead at the end. miss honey didn't even drop a tear and then she's just decided to carry on with a nurse dude... i was like, girl this is just too many things! #badediting #baddrama
日与夜之间,睡与醒之间,其实没有中间地带……"Don't lose your way." Nolan风格最不明显的一部片子,也无太多出彩之处,倒是阿拉斯加的风景壮丽峻美,让我心生向往。