▤「I know what I'm feeling! I know what it's feeling and, and it feels like my brain is fucking dying. And everything I've worked for in my entire life is going. All... all going.」「Karen Elson — ♫If I Had a Boat♫」
@@@@(2015-03-26)(Inside No. 9 Season 2)(9号秘事 第二季)(1-6) (BBC的。《la couchette》火车上的谋杀。《the 12 days of Christine》临死前的走马灯。《the trial of Elizabeth Gadge》人也并不比女巫善良。《cold comfort》在安慰热线工作也能招来杀身之祸。《nana's party》恶作剧牵扯出婚外情。《seance time》拍整蛊节目引出鬼了。)