书单: Ep 1.《月亮与六便士》,《The Moon and Sixpence》; Ep 2.《万历十五年》,《1587,A Year of No Significance:The Ming Dynasty in Decline》; Ep 3. 《三体》,《The Three-Body Problem》; Ep 4. 《人类简史》,《Sapiens: A brief history of humankind》; Ep 5. 《霍乱时期的爱情》,《El Amor En Los Tiempos Del Colera》; Ep 6.《查令十字街 84 号》,《84, Charing Cross Road》; Ep 7.《未来简史》,《Homo Deus:A Brief History of Tomorrow》; Ep 8.《无人生还》,《And Then There Were None》; Ep 9.《暗算》; Ep 10, 11.《尘埃落定》; Ep 12.《麦田里的守望者》,《The Catcher in the Rye》;