What's between the real and the cliche? It's deep dark down there if u look at it, cynicism or hysteria? but what i do see is the thing that bridges them are Pop-songs and Rom-Coms.u can either dive in the traditional narrative or find ur original one.
★★★☆ 分分鐘有梗,處處皆彩蛋,真人動畫還算個啥,要玩就玩得飞起,把真人+2D+3D+CG+定格+布偶都整上,然而融合了那麼多要素,卻並美歐縫合怪的感受,反而讓人沉浸於這種玩的氛圍中,而用老牌IP講過氣動畫角色的中年危機以及盜版問題,也著實是相當機智的切入點,最後五人組重聚復出拍的那些電影,忍不住就要聯想一下那些混跡在各種網大中的過氣港星們了。By the way,誰能想到,這些年迪士尼旗下各分公司中,作品質量發揮最穩定的會是迪士尼動畫呢,甚至時不時還能讓人驚喜一下。