Anita is an Asian like slim sharp robot with high tech and humanity. What did I learned from her after watching this movie? To love someone with all her heart, no matter how long they were being together; and to fight the enemy with all of her strength, no matter how big and powerful they seems like. Watch the movie at UA Cinema on Feb 22nd, 2019.3
40多年过去了,史匹堡又一次证明了自己依然是那个最懂teenager的导演。我想这部片不仅圆了那些受这些流行文化所影响的几代观众的梦,更圆了这样一个库布里克脑残粉导演的梦。什么是造梦机器,什么是娱乐,什么是blockbuster,you’re looking at it!