3 若是算上氣氛分和喜歡的演員可以給到4.5~ 喜歡攝影的調調 大海讓我甚至想起來鼓浪嶼漂亮的時候~「九條命都用來找你Wouldn't it be nice「記憶都被抹去太殘酷
我经历这光怪陆离的一切,只不过为了发现什么是自己真正所爱。Midnight让我想起那首歌: You don't have to smile to make it by. It's a new midnight, a new sunrise, And that can't be bad. And I'll stay and help you find a way, In the new midnight, the new sunrise, Everyday. And I'll wake up and say everything will be just fine.